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Building a command line tool to generate Metroid passwords

By John Lekberg on October 17, 2020.

This week's blog post is about creating a command line tool that generates passwords for the 1987 game Metroid.

In Metroid, you are a bounty hunter that has been contracted to recover stolen bioweapons -- the "Metroids" -- from a group of aliens called the "Space Pirates".

Metroid was notable at the time for being one of the first games with a female protagonist.

The North American release of Metroid uses a password system instead of allowing you to save your progress to the cartridge. This was done because the ROM cartridges used by games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) could not save game progress without using additional memory cards, which would increase the manufacturing cost.

Metroid's password system encodes the game state into a 144-bit password, represented as a 24-character string, which uses a custom 64-letter alphabet. The password system is documented in John David Ratliff's "Metroid Password Format Guide".

I created this tool so that I could generate custom passwords that allowed me to create various challenges for myself. E.g.

In this week's post, you will learn:

Script source code


#!/usr/bin/env python3

# metroid-password
# Create passwords for the NES game Metroid (1987).
# Want to know what specific bits (e.g. 1, 64, 65, 66) mean?
# Refer to:
# Ratliff, John David. "Metroid Password Format Guide." 2012. emuWorks.

def MAIN():
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="number. 0 <= N <= 255",
        help="Samus starts here",
    args = parser.parse_args()

    password = PartialPassword()
    if args.missiles is not None:
        password |= pp_missiles(args.missiles)
    if args.location is not None:
        password |= pp_location[args.location]

    encoded = metroid_encode(password)
    print(encoded[0:6], encoded[6:12])
    print(encoded[12:18], encoded[18:24])

class PartialPassword:
    """Represents a partially prepared password, with
    certain bits being ON or OFF, and the rest of the bits
    being undetermined.

    PartialPassword objects can be combined as long as the
    bit assignments don't clash (e.g. the same bit is both
    ON and OFF).

    The internal representation is a set of ON bits (public
    attribute ".on") and a set of OFF bits (public attribute

    def __init__(self, *, on=(), off=()):
        Initialize a PartialPassword using supplied ON bits
        and OFF bits.

        on -- iterable of bit positions representing bits
            set ON. (Default: no bits.)
        off -- iterable of bit positions representing bits
            set OFF. (Default: no bits.)

        Verify that bits positions are between 0 and 127
        (inclusive). Verify that no bit is both ON and OFF.
        s_on = frozenset(on)
        s_off = frozenset(off)

        s_bad_range = (s_on | s_off).difference(range(128))
        if s_bad_range:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Out of range (0-127) bits: {sorted(s_bad_range)}"

        s_multi_state = s_on & s_off
        if s_multi_state:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Multiple states for bits: {sorted(s_multi_state)}"

        self.on = s_on = s_off

    def combine(self, other):
        """Combine two PartialPassword object to create a
        new PartialPassword object with all combined bits
        set ON and OFF appropriately.
        if not isinstance(other, PartialPassword):
            raise TypeError(
                f"{other!r} is not a PartialPassword"
        return PartialPassword(
            on=self.on | other.on,

    def __or__(self, other):
        """See method "combine" for more info."""
        return self.combine(other)

# Different starting locations.
pp_location = {
    "brinstar": PartialPassword(off=[64, 65, 66]),
    "norfair": PartialPassword(on=[64], off=[65, 66]),
    "kraid_lair": PartialPassword(on=[65], off=[64, 66]),
    "ridley_lair": PartialPassword(on=[66], off=[64, 65]),
    "tourian": PartialPassword(on=[64, 65], off=[66]),

def pp_missiles(n):
    Create a PartialPassword object that gives Samus `n`

    n -- Number of missiles. 0 <= n <= 255.

    The resulting PartialPassword object also sets the bit
    for at least one missile tank ON. This is done because,
    if no missiles tank bits are set ON, then the missile
    counter is not shown in the game's user interface.
    if n not in range(0x100):
        raise ValueError(
            f"{n} missiles requested. Must be 0-255."

    on = set()
    off = set()
    for i in range(8):
        n_bit_i = ((0b1 << i) & n) >> i
        missile_i = 80 + i
        if n_bit_i == 1:
        elif n_bit_i == 0:

    # missile tank bit

    return PartialPassword(on=on, off=off)

# Represent the relationship between six-bit values and
# Metroid password characters:
# - To convert six-bit value -> character, use subscripts
#   (indexing).
# - To convert character -> six-bit value, use `str.index`.
metroid_alphabet = (

def metroid_encode(partial_pwd):
    """Convert a PartialPassword object into a 24-character
    str object that can be read and typed into Metroid's
    password system.


    - PartialPassword
      -> 16 byte integer
      -> bytes object (little endian)
    - Calculate shift byte and checksum byte.
        - Shift byte is always 0 to simplify encoding.
    - Reversed [data, shift, checksum]
      -> bytes object
      -> 18 byte integer (little endian)
      -> 24-character string.
    data = 0
    for i in partial_pwd.on:
        data |= 1 << i
    data_B = data.to_bytes(16, "little")

    shift = 0
    checksum = sum(data_B) & 0xFF

    pwd_B = bytes(reversed([*data_B, shift, checksum]))
    pwd = int.from_bytes(pwd_B, "little")

    pwd_alpha = ""
    for i in reversed(range(0, 144, 6)):
        j = ((0b111_111 << i) & pwd) >> i
        pwd_alpha += metroid_alphabet[j]
    return pwd_alpha

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ metroid-password --help
usage: metroid-password [-h] [--missiles N]
                        [--location {brinstar,norfair,

optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --missiles N          number. 0 <= N <= 255
  --location {brinstar,norfair,kraid_lair,ridley_lair,tourian}
                        Samus starts here

Using the script to generate passwords

How the script works

I use argparse to parse the command line arguments.

A PartialPassword object represents a partially prepared password, with certain bits being ON or OFF, and the rest of the bits being undetermined:

pp_location is a dictionary that maps location names (str objects) to PartialPassword objects. I determined the ON and OFF bits by referencing the Metroid Password Guide. (See section 4.5, "Known Password Bits".)

pp_missiles creates a PartialPassword object that represents the number of available missiles as an 8-bit byte at bit positions 80 to 87: (See Metroid Password Guide section 4.5, "Known Password Bits".)

metroid_alphabet is a string that represents the 64-character alphabet used by Metroid's password system:

metroid_encode encodes a PartialPassword object into a 24-character str ready to be entered into Metroid's password system:

In conclusion...

In this week's post you learned how to create a password generator for Metroid. You learned how to use set operations to combine partial passwords and check that constraints were not violated. And you used bitwise arithmetic to encode the passwords.

My challenge to you:

In Metroid, you can collect power ups like the "Ice Beam" or "Bombs".

Add more PartialPassword objects for allowing Samus to start the game with these power ups: Bombs, High Jump Boots, Long Beam, Screw Attack, Maru Mari, Varia Suit, Wave Beam, and Ice Beam. (See the Metroid Password Guide, section 4.5, "Known Password Bits", for details.)

If you enjoyed this week's post, share it with your friends and stay tuned for next week's post. See you then!

(If you spot any errors or typos on this post, contact me via my contact page.)